Thursday 28 February 2013

Abscisic acid

Abscisic acid, also known as abscisin II and dormin, is a plant hormone which inhabits growth, causes the abscission of leaves, induces dormancy, closes stomata, and other phenomena in response to adverse conditions are triggers.

Farm organization

Organization have the responsibility of dividing work among people whose effort will be coordinated. In practice, organization is also concerned with specifying objective for the business and each of its sub unit are determine in broad terms, the activities and the decision necessary to accomplish these objectives. Farm business is the science of organizing and controlling the a particular farm resources so that the out-put from the enterprise as a whole remain greater or at the desire of the farm manager, it depends on how the individual farmer can organise farm adopted practice to a particular environment and so dispose off his part as to yield him the greatest net return while still maintaining the integrity of the land.

What is agriculture

Agriculture is the process of producing food, feed, fiber and many other desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals (livestock) for human consumption and as raw material for industries.

Ablation till

Persistent body of ice that flows and originates on land. Loose, permeable till deposited during the final down-wasting of glacial ice-lenses of crudely sorted sand and gravel are common.
Ablation till

Cropping system

Definitions of Cropping System
The term cropping system refers to the crops and crop sequences and the management techniques that are used on a particular field over a period (years). This term is not new, but it has been used more often in recent years in discussions about sustainability of our agricultural production systems. Several other terms have been used also during these discussions:

This is the release of a chemical substance by one plant species that inhibits the growth of another species. It has been proven or is suspected to cause yield reductions when one crop follows another of the same family, for example, when corn is followed by wheat. Technically, damage to a crop from following itself (such as corn following corn) is referred to as autotoxicity. In many cases the actual cause of such yield reduction is not well understood, but it is generally thought that the breakdown of crop residue can release chemicals that inhibit the growth of the next crop. Keeping old-crop residue away from new-crop roots and seedlings should help to minimize such damage.

(also known as sequential cropping), Is the practice of planting a second crop immediately after the harvest of a first crop, thus harvesting two crops from the same field in a year. This is a case of multiple cropping, which requires a season long enough and crops that mature quickly enough to allow two harvests in one year.

This is the presence of two or more crops in the same field at thesame time, planted in an arrangement that results in the crops competing with one another.

Monocropping or monoculture
Refers to the presence of just a single crop in a field. This term is often used to refer to growing the same crop year after year in the same field; this practice is best described as continuous cropping, or continuous monocropping.

Relay intercropping
This is a technique in which different crops are planted at different times in the same field, and both or all crops spend at least part of their season in the field growing together. An example would be dropping cover-crop seed into a soybean crop before maturity starts occurring.

Strip cropping
This is the presence of two or more crops in the same field, planted in strips such that most plan competition is within each crop rather than between crops. This practice is consisting of both intercropping and monocropping, with the width of the strips determining the degree of each.
Cropping system


Guava is a nutrient-dense fruit that grows in dry or humid heat. Guava contains more Vitamin C than Oranges, as well as other antioxidants, ...