Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The directions of Communication in Agricultural Extension Service

The extension officer has different view with whom he or she is communicating with in his work. The directions greatly rely on the levels at which the communication is being effected. For instance, at the institutional level, communication takes place between the extension officer and the various persons or group of persons that constitute the agricultural extension organization. In this case, the extension officer exchanges information with his superiors and sub-ordinates. This simply state that there is an upward and downward flow of information through chain of command. This direction of flow is said to be a vertical flow. Information flows from the superior or the super-ordinate to the sub-ordinates in an extension services. The information can either be in written or verbal such as policy statement, memos, manuals, procedures, telephone calls, bulletins, and as well as face-to-face instruction. This direction of communication flow is referred to as downward communication flow, this type of direction in communication flow is meant to direct, instruct as well as command.

There are five other basic purposes of downward communication, they have been suggested to;
  • To present information of an ideological nature to assist in the inculcation of goal
  • To provide sub-ordinate with performance feedback
  • To provide specific task directive of job instruction
  • To provide information about rationale of job
  • To provide information about organization policies, procedures and practices
In agricultural extension service, communication flows between employees on the same level, for instance, between an extension officer and other extension officers that have equal status that are in the different departments and among age-groups within the same work group. This is mostly carried out through meetings either formal or informal, written memos, and informal interactions. Horizontal communication facilitates organizational coordination and problem-solving, which enables organization members to form relationships with their peers. Relationships are an important part of employee satisfactions. Horizontal or lateral communication often reduces the communication burden of superiors and also reduces communication inaccuracy by putting the relevant people in direct contact with one another.

Diagonal direction of communication is another type of communication flow. This is said to include all transmissions that cut across the chain of command of an organization. It is mostly carried out in the form of interaction between line and staff.

In rural population communication, the direction of communication is directed at farmers and other rural dwellers by the extension officers. The information exchanged between the officer and the rural population including the data that can help to identify and analyze the most important agro-economic and social problems of the rural population, information on possible alternatives for solution to the major problems detected, guidance and training for small scale tests and adoption of innovations. This is usually effected by calling people to parliament meetings; farm visit, use of town orator, use of poster and hand bills, film shows, interviews as well as and demonstration/small plot adoption techniques.  

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