Friday, 26 April 2013

Types of communication in Agricultural Extension

There are various types of communication are available for operations to agricultural administrator, extension agents and farmers in agricultural extension systems. These communication channels include written communication, verbal communication as well as the communication of both (written and verbal).

Written communication: In an agricultural extension system, this type of communication can take different forms such as memorandum, reports, latter, bulletins, notes, newsletters, newspapers and farm magazines, handbills and computers through surfing the net.

Verbal communication: Verbal communication is all about the use of spoken words through a face-to-face situation, telephone calls, visits, town orators or through electronic media. These are the most common forms of communication in an agricultural extension system.

Combination of written and verbal communication: This involves both the verbal and written communication.


  1. Yes, communication needs in any organization whether it relates to agriculture, industry etc. So for effective communication, channel of communication must be obeyed.Because message whether it is verbal or oral should be comprehensive and short.

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