The term communication
has many definitions attached to it and these definitions are widely used. The term
denotes interaction and purposefulness. It is said to have been derived from a
Latin word, meaning to make common, to shear, to impart, to transmit. The term
is said to be;
- The process which involves the acts of transmitting massages through channels which link people to the language and symbolic codes used in transmitting such messages.
- Not just giving information and receiving, but the transfer of message to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon.
- Any means by which a thought is transferred from one person to another.
- The process by which any person or a group shares and impacts information with another person so that both persons clearly understand one another.
the idea of shearing is still the nucleus of communication. Fundamentally,
communication is the transfer of information, feelings or massages from one
source to a receiver. It can also be seen as the process of transmitting
meaning from the sender to a receiver. Communication is said to have taken
place only when the receiver rightly interprets the information or message that
is transmitted. Therefore, communication in agricultural extension is
successful to the extent to which the sender and the receiver have a similar
understanding of the content of such massage.
When decisions
are taken in agriculture and agricultural extension services, they have to be
communicated to all units of the system that are affected by them.
Communication is very important in an organization like agricultural extension
services because in most of the organizational processes, communication is
required to solve problems and accomplish goals.
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