In essential
mineral nutrient in plant, visual nutrient deficiency symptoms can be a very
powerful diagnostic tool for evaluating the nutrient status of plants which are
presents. It is very important to keep record, however, that a given individual
visual symptom is seldom sufficient to make a definitive diagnosis of a plant
nutrient status. Most of the classic deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis, tip
burn and necrosis are characteristically associated with more than one mineral
deficiency and also with other stresses that by themselves are not diagnostic
for any specific nutrient stress. However, observing the deficiency is
extremely useful in making an evaluation of nutrient status.
In addition to
the actual observations of morphological and spectral symptoms. Knowing the
location and timing of these symptoms is a critical aspect of any nutrient
status evaluation. Plants do not grow in isolation, they are part of the
overall environment and as such they respond to environmental changes as that
affect nutrient availability.
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