Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Principles and techniques of orchard establishment

In the establishment of an orchard, the following principle needs to be taking into consideration for the proper development and establishment of the orchard.

Site selection: Site selection in orchard establishment involves measuring needs of a new project against the advantage of potential locations. Citrus grow on a wide range of soil. However, the soil must be free from concrete and of high fertility.

Land preparation: In land preparation, it typically involves plowing, harrowing and leveling of the land to make it suitable for orchard establishment. It also involves clearing and felling of vegetation in the field to be cultivated.

Plant preparation: citrus could be grown either from seed or by vegetation means such as budding.

Sowing: Citrus seed could be sown either in seed boxes, polythene bags or in nursery beds at the spacing of 6m. Watering is done to the sown seeds immediately after planting at intervals of 2-3 days of sowing of seeds in the nursery. Germination begins at about 3-7 weeks. Although citrus does not require shade either in the nursery or in the field but it is a general practice to provide light shade until the time of pricking.

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