Friday 29 March 2013

Explanation of the method of determining digestibility

In the experiment of digestibility, attempts are made to find out the digestibility coefficient of the feed as a whole or some constituent of the feed. Digestibility coefficient may be said to be as the percentage of the total amount consume which digested and absorbed. The general calculation of digestion coefficient (DC) can be shown in an equation as follows:

DC of nutrient = kg nutrient eaten - kg nutrient in faeces/kg nutrient eaten, multiply by 100/1.

The above formula is useful whenever there is no residual feed. The normal formula for the calculation of DC in which the nutrient in the residual is deducted from the feed offered is as follow:

DC of nutrient = (kg nutrient offered – kg nutrient refused) – kg nutrient in faeces/kg nutrient offered – kg nutrient refused.

Computations are made independently for each experimental animal and how average coefficient is then calculated. It has now become customary to report coefficient of the whole organic matter in the feed or ration along with the usual coefficient of nitrogen free extract and EE (ether extract).
Animals digestibility

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