Wednesday 10 April 2013

Feed additives

Feed additive can be describe as non – nutritive product which are used to improve the rate and/or efficiency of gain of animals, prevent certain diseases or preserve feed. But, there is no evidence of a nutritional efficiency when they are omitted from a ration. Additive includes;
  • Hormone
  • Anti – biotic
  • Vitamins
  • Mineral
  • Flavoring agent
  • Premix, and so on
The role of feed additive
  • Reduces stress in animal, for example, anti – stress, tranquilizer.
  • Enhancing feed keeping quality.
  • Protecting nutrient.
  • Protecting animals from disease outbreak, such as coccidiostat against the incidence of coccidiosis.
  • Improving growth rate and feed efficiency.
  • Stimulating egg production (egg formula).
  • Improving on the color, texture and keeping quality of poultry and other animal product.

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