Critical to any
model for sustainable soil management, it is important to understand the role
that soil organisms’ play and that farmer focus on strategies that build both
their numbers and their diversity. As with cattle and other farm animals, soil
livestock require proper feed. That feed comes in the form of organic matter to
In farming and to
the farmer, organic matter and humus are terms that describe somewhat different
but related things. Organic matter in its qualities is refers to the organic
fraction of the soil that is composed of both living organisms and once living
residues in various stages of decomposition. Humus is only a small portion of
the totality of organic matter. It is the end product of organic matter
decomposition and is relatively stable. Further decomposition of humus occurs
very slowly in both agricultural and natural settings as well. In natural
systems, a balance is reached between the amount of humus formation and the
amount of humus decay. In most agricultural soils, this balance also occurs,
but often at a much lower level of soil humus. Humus contributes to the well structured
soil that is, in turn, produces high quality and productive plants. It is clear
that management of organic matter and humus is essential to sustain the whole
soil ecosystem.
To the farmer and
soil scientist, the benefits of a soil rich in organic matter and humus are many.
These benefits includes; rapid decomposition of crop residues, granulation of
soil into water stable aggregates, decreased crusting and clodding, improved
internal drainage, better water infiltration, and increased water and nutrient
holding capacity in the soil. Improvements in the soil's physical structure
facilitate easier tillage operation, increased soil water storage capacity,
reduced soil erosion, better formation and harvesting of root crops, and
deeper, more prolific plant root systems. Improvements in nutrient cycling also
reduce the fertilizer bill as well.
building organic matter and humus levels in the soil is a matter of managing
the living organisms which are present in the soil. This entails working to
maintain favorable conditions of moisture, temperature, nutrient status, soil pH,
and soil aeration. It also involves providing a steady food source. All the
soil organisms mentioned previously, except algae, depend on organic matter as
their food source. Therefore, to maintain their populations, organic matter
must be renewed from plants growing on the soil, or from animal manure or other
materials which are imported from off site. By feeding the soil livestock,
fertility is built up in the soil and the soil will feed the plants with its necessary
plant nutrients.
Physical condition (Tilth) of soil and organic
Any soil that
drains well, does not crust, takes in water rapidly, and does not make clods is
said to have a very good tilth. Tilth is the physical condition of the soil as
it relates to tillage ease, seedbed quality, easy seedling emergence, and deep
root penetration. A good tilth is greatly dependent on aggregation, the process
whereby individual soil particles are joined into clusters or aggregates.
Aggregates are formed
in soils when individual soil particles are oriented and brought together
through wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, and by plant growth and
earthworm activities. The weak electrical forces from calcium and magnesium
hold the soil particles together when the soil dries. When the aggregates
become wet again, their stability is then challenged and they may break apart
once again. In the case of earthworm created aggregates, they are stable once
they come out of the worm. An aggregate formed by physical forces becomes
stabilized which will remain intact when wet through microbial processes
involving organic matter decomposition and its by-products, waxes, and other
glue like substances. These by-products cement the soil particles together
forming water stable aggregates. The aggregate of the soil is then strong enough
to hold together when wet hence the name water-stable.
Tillage, organic matter, and plant productivity
and growth
There are several
factors affect the level of organic matter that can be maintained in a soil.
Among these factors are organic matter additions, moisture, temperature,
tillage, nitrogen levels, cropping, and fertilization. The level of organic
matter which is present in the soil is a direct function of how much organic
material is being produced or added to the soil versus the rate of its decomposition.
The objectives of this balancing act entail slowing the speed of organic matter
decomposition, while increasing the supply of organic materials which are
produced on site or the addition of organic matter from off site.
In the soil,
moisture as well as temperature also profoundly affects soil organic matter
level. One only has to compare organic matter which is present in soils to see
the decline in organic matter due to higher temperature and moisture in the soil.
The most dramatic example of the effects of temperature and moisture may be
seen by comparing the organic matter rich soils of the arctic region with the
organic matter poor soils of the tropics. The warmer and wetter it gets, the
more difficult to maintain soil organic matter.
Tillage can be
beneficial or harmful to a biologically active soil depending on what type of
tillage that is used and when it is done. Tillage affects both soil erosion
rate and soil organic matter decomposition rate. Crop lands having organic
matter levels below one percent are biologically dead. These low levels are due
primarily to tillage. Clean tillage involving moldboard plowing and disking
breaks down soil aggregates and leaves the soil prone to erosion from wind and
water. The moldboard plow can bury crop residue and topsoil to a depth of fourteen
inches. At this depth, the oxygen level in the soil is so low that
decomposition cannot proceed adequately in the soil.
Surface dwelling
decomposer organisms suddenly find themselves suffocated and soon die due to
suffocation. The crop residue that was originally on the surface but has now
been turned under will putrefy in the oxygen deprived zone as it rots in the
absence of oxygen.
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